Do you have questions? We have answers –  well, at least most of the times.

Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on our academy and courses.

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What is a Healthy Lifestyle Mentor?

Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentors are health professionals that have a deep understanding of what a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle is and what it takes for clients to become their own positive health promoters.

Drawing extensively from the unique Lagom Mentoring Process and the Science of Behavior Change, Lagom Mentors partner up with their clients to support and empower each client to take charge of their individual journey to their desired, more balanced healthy lifestyle.

Lagom Mentors are guided by values and attitudes that prioritize the respect, freedom, and worth of every human being, and they are equipped with a set of professional skills and specific tools to best support their clients.

In this mentor-mentee-partnership, the Mentors are important role models because they have already experienced their own trials and tribulations in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, they are highly prepared to understand, accept, and empathize with the range of challenges that their clients may bring.

The Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Course is Lagom’s level 2 course, and it builds on the knowledge of the Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator Course. Health professionals gather deeper and indispensable knowledge, skills, and tools to accompany their clients through the entire process of change towards a more balanced healthy lifestyle.

What is a Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator?

Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitators are health professionals who have specific knowledge that allows them to facilitate their clients’ integration of a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle.

It means that Lagom Facilitators master the fundamentals of what we call a Lagom healthy lifestyle: The importance of adopting a balanced healthy lifestyle, the holistic vision of a healthy lifestyle with its 16 interrelated pillars, plus the specific Lagom perspective on facilitating healthy lifestyles.

In addition, Lagom Facilitators are able to incorporate these fundamentals into their daily practices. They are able to enrich the interventions with their clients with relevant information, out-of-the-box perspectives, and impactful examples, to foster their clients’ healthy lifestyle literacy and self-awareness.

Besides that, Lagom Facilitators are important role models to their clients. This is because they have acquired an enhanced consciousness of themselves, and they work every day to assimilate the Lagom healthy lifestyle principles into their own lifestyle.

The Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator is our level 1 course through which health professionals immerse themselves and their clients in the Lagom healthy lifestyle view and pave the way for change.

However, for change to actually happen and to be sustainable, health professionals should continue deepening their knowledge. They should acquire specific relational and technical skills, and put together an adequate toolbox to best support their clients to make a positive change. This knowledge can be acquired through the Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Course.

How do I become a certified and accredited Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor?

After you have successfully completed our Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator and the Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Certificate Courses you become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

You will also be automatically accredited in our Mentors’ Online Register. In addition, you receive a printable Lagom Certificate together with a digital learning badge.

Please note that to carry the Lagom Mentor Title it requires that you can certify to us that you are a qualified health or fitness professional under your applicable national policies and/or profession’s regulations. The reason for this accreditation requirement is to support a good quality of services of our healthy lifestyle mentors worldwide.

If you do not hold such proof of a professional certificate, you may still participate in our course, however, you may not become certified and accredited through our systems.

How do I become a certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator?

After you have successfully completed our Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator Course you become a Certified Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator. You receive a printable Lagom Certificate together with a digital learning badge. Successfully completing the course, is a pre-condition to become a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

When and how can I join a healthy lifestyle facilitator or mentor course?

There are no fixed dates to start learning with us. Our courses are open to join any day and time in the year. This is because of our guided but self-paced learning approach that serves the needs of health and fitness professionals who are already working and who strive for continuous professional development. To register start, click “our courses” and register to one of our courses. To become a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor, you need to particpate in both the Lagom Facilitator and Mentor Courses.

What pre-qualification do I need to join the courses?

Everyone who is interested in learning something new about a holistic approach to healthy lifestyle is warmly welcome to join our courses. So, there is no pre-qualification required to join our failitator or mentor courses.

Yet, it is important to understand that we created these courses for learners who already have a background as a health and fitness professional. It means that we assume that you can build on relevant professional knowledge and that you already have a basic understanding of health-related topics.

Whilst anyone can participate in the courses, it is important to note that to become a certified and accredited Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor, we require you to proof that you already hold a valid professional certificate in the wider health and fitness sector. This is to ensure quality in the mentoring process. In addition, you need to have participated in our Facilitator Course before you become a Lagom Mentor.

What is the duration of the courses?

Our healthy lifestyle facilitator course consists of 52 micro learning units featuring 48 video learning elements. The estimated learning time with our introduction course is approximately 10 hours. With it, you can either enjoy a learning sprint in one full day, or you decide for a 15 min-a-day micro learning experience over a month. The healthy lifestyle mentor course has a scope of app. 80 learning hours. All times depend on your prior knowledge and personal learning speed.

Do I receive a certificate?


After having successfully finished our courses, you receive a printable certificate together with a digital learning badge. Please note that the healthy lifestle facilitator course is a precondition to become a healthy lifestyle mentor.

Do I need to do the facilitator course before the mentor course?

Yes. The Lagom Facilitator Course is a pre-condition to become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

Are Lagom Facilitators accredited through the Lagom Online Register?

No. Only Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentors are accredited through our Online Register. Yet, you receive a printable Lagom Certificate together with a digital learning badge. Being a Lagom Facilitator is a pre-condition to become an accredited Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

Will I become an expert in all the different healthy lifestyle topics?

No, because it is just not realistic to become an expert in all areas.

Also, neither healthy lifestyle facilitators nor mentors are expected to be an expert(!) in every health-related topic.

Yet, due to your pre-education as a health professional, you are already an expert in one topic, for example in physiotherapy, psychology, physical activity, or nutrition.

In addition, our courses provide you with a solid evidence-based overview of all other major aspects related to a holistic healthy lifestyle.

This combination will help you to support your clients more holistically and to build relevant bridges between single health experts.

Do I need to finish my courses in a certain period?

You have full access to your facilitator course for at least 6 months after registration. We feel that this is enough time to successfully finish your 10 hours learning journey. Yet, you can contact us if you may need more time.

The mentor course, however, is planned to be open for you to access any time, as long as you are an Accredited Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

Are the courses in English only, or are there other language versions available?

Currently, our courses are available in English. However, we provide sub-titles for our videos in several languages, and you are free to use technical solutions for automatic text translations.

But we have good news: We currently prepare several other language versions, which you can request and pre-register for. The languages requested most, will be provided first.

Just go to OUR COURSES section and vote for the language you would love to see next.

Can I do your courses for continuous professional development in health and fitness professions?

Yes, definitively. Our courses are built for health and fitness professionals to gain more inside in a holistic healthy lifestyle approach, and to build on their own expertise.

This means that you may already be physiotherapist, a personal coach, a nurse, a nutrition specialist, a general practitioner, or a psychologist and you will have deep expert knowledge in your won field. Yet, through our courses, you will gain relevant inside in other, related areas of expertise.

This will help you to better support your clients in your own field of expertise, but it also opens the opportunity to work as a Certified Healthy Lifestyle Mentor in parallel.

Do you offer discounts for bigger learning groups?

Please contact us for individual offers.

Do you also offer onsite courses?

Our concept is tailored towards a modern and guided but self-paced online learning journey. Yet, we are able to provide also (additional) onsite learning experiences for bigger groups. Please contact us for individual offers.

Can I undertake the courses on my mobile phone, or do I need a computer?

Our courses and learning resources are fully mobile applicable. They run on all systems. Please choose what suits your needs and preferences best.

What does Lagom mean and where does it come from?

Lagom is a Swedish word that means something like “just the right amount” or “not too much – not too little”. This very much matches with our idea as regards supporting people to enjoy a “balanced heathy lifestyle”. It means that at Lagom we want to actively contribute to creating a healthier future, where people not only live longer, but they live better and happier lives. This means that people can choose their behaviour consciously and in a balanced way by following what we like to call a LAGOM way of life.

European Healthy Lifestyle Academy
Contact us to learn about our Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Certification Course

We are pleased to inform you about our learning content, any requirements and the opportunities to become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.