Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator I Certificate Course

Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator I Certificate Course

Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitators are health professionals who have specific knowledge that allows them to facilitate their clients’ integration of a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle.

It means that Lagom Facilitators master the fundamentals of what we call a Lagom healthy lifestyle: The importance of adopting a balanced healthy lifestyle, the holistic vision of a healthy lifestyle with its 16 interrelated pillars, plus the specific Lagom perspective on facilitating healthy lifestyles.

In addition, Lagom Facilitators are able to incorporate these fundamentals into their daily practices. They are able to enrich the interventions with their clients with relevant information, out-of-the-box perspectives, and impactful examples, to foster their clients’ healthy lifestyle literacy and self-awareness.

Besides that, Lagom Facilitators are important role models to their clients. This is because they have acquired an enhanced consciousness of themselves, and they work every day to assimilate the Lagom healthy lifestyle principles into their own lifestyle.


Our Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator certificate course offers a learning sprint about what is a holistic view on health and well-being, and how health professionals can help their clients developing a balanced healthy lifestyle. The course qualifies you to carry the title of a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator. Plus, it is a pre-condition to become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.


Our primary goal is to support you to better accompany your clients to start or keep enjoying a more balanced healthy lifestyle. For it, the course provides you with a comprehensive, holistic and integrated vision of what we consider to be relevant aspects of a Lagom healthy lifestyle. The course gives you a basic understanding of how different aspects of a healthy lifestyle influence each other. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, behaviors, feelings, mindsets, and relationships, and it encourages you to view these as a system. In addition, we introduce you to the Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentoring Approach. As a Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator you grasp the importance and potential of behavior-based health prevention strategies, and you understand how to analyze and categorize the needs and requirements of your clients.


We offer a modern, guided but self-paced e-learning approach that serves the needs of health professionals who strive for continuous professional development. You experience a learning journey filled with evidence-based educational content, engaging practice-orientated case studies, and hands-on examples for analysing and supporting your clients. The course intends to spark your curiosity about topics and methods that were not yet adequately addressed in your specialized health or fitness education, and it is always aimed at providing you with learning that is highly applicable for your day-to-day work in practice.


Everyone who is interested in learning something new about a holistic approach to healthy lifestyle is warmly welcome to join our courses. So, there is no pre-qualification required to join our facilitator course. Yet, it is important to understand that we created these courses for learners who already have a background as a health and fitness professional. It means that we assume that you can build on relevant professional knowledge and that you already have a basic understanding of health-related topics. Yet, in order to become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor – after the completion of the mentor certification course – we require you to be a qualified health or fitness professional.


Our facilitator course consists of 52 micro-learning units featuring 48 video learning elements. The estimated learning time with our facilitator course is approximately 10 hours. The times depend on your prior knowledge and personal learning speed. With it, you can either enjoy a learning sprint in one full day, or you decide for a 15 min-a-day micro learning experience over a month.


After having successfully finished the course, you carry the title of a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator. You receive a printable certificate together with a digital learning badge. The course is also a pre-condition to become a healthy lifestyle mentor.


The Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator is our level 1 course through which health professionals immerse themselves and their clients in the Lagom healthy lifestyle view and pave the way for change. However, for change to actually happen and to be sustainable, health professionals should continue deepening their knowledge. They should acquire specific relational and technical skills, and put together an adequate toolbox to best support their clients to make a positive change. This knowledge can be acquired through the Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Course.

Online - A modern guided, self-paced learning journey
10 learning hours - A solid learning sprint
€ 199 - Limited introduction price
Everyday - Available whenever you need it
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    Why should I do the healthy lifestyle facilitator course?

    Whether you are a physiotherapist, a personal coach, a nurse, a nutrition specialist, a general practitioner, or a psychologist you know that most of your clients have difficulties to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle. They are overwhelmed by existing information. They don’t know where to start, or they are not able to make the transfer to their own situation. At the same time, they feel they are not supported enough or not in a customized way. They often end up being sent from one expert to another, without having anyone who supports them to connect the dots.

    In parallel, you as a health professional, you have deep knowledge in certain aspects of a healthy lifestyle, but you probably lack knowledge in a variety of others. You are super familiar with your corner of the health system, but you are not really connected to other disciplines. It means that you can´t help your client to develop a holistic healthy lifestyle, and thus really solve their problems. At the same time, existing information often lacks to provide applicable tools and support for you as a health professional to help your clients to make a change.

    We support you to go beyond your own expertise and to learn about other health disciplines. We provide you with extra know-how about mentoring and behavioural change. And we offer you applicable tools and practices to work with your clients. With it, we help you to improve the quality of your current work with your clients. And we help you to open new business opportunities. Plus, you become part of local community and global health and well-being promotion movement.

    As a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator, you will hold a deeper understanding of the holistic nature of healthy lifestyle practices, encompassing physical, emotional, cognitive, and social dimensions and their interplay. Plus, you will grasp the importance and potential of behavior-based health prevention strategies, and you understand how to analyze and categorize the needs and requirements of your clients.

    In addition, the facilitator course gives you an outlook towards the principles and steps of the Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentoring Approach, so that you can make an informed decision about taking further training to become a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

    Join us to kickstart a Worldwide Community of Healthy Lifestyle Mentors to let More People enjoy a Balanced Healthy Lifestyle.

    Check your learning journey
    Read how our course is structured and what content is included
    Course Overview

    Our Facilitator Course introduces a broader learning journey that can later be deepened through our Mentor Course. It consists of 8 learning modules that are broken down into 52 micro learning units.

    To make the course as useful and practical as possible, it provides evidence-based thematic input which features 48 video learning elements.

    We have developed 10 case studies that illustrate different aspects of a healthy lifestyle and their interrelationships. We analyze them and provide guidance on how to support your clients as a healthy lifestyle facilitator.

    Module A - Onboarding

    Module A assists you in embarking on your Lagom healthy lifestyle learning journey. It consists of 5 micro-learnings: A1: Getting started, A2: The need for healthy lifestyle facilitators and mentors, A3: Healthy lifestyle mentoring in a broader perspective, A4: The Lagom learning approach, and A5: The Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentoring Concept.

    Module B - Body

    In Module B, you are introduced to our first case studies. You then receive thematic and methodological input as regards aspects of the body. The learning units are: B1: Introduction and Case Studies, B2: Physical Activity, B3: Rest and Recovery, B4: Nutrition, B5: Harmful Substances, and B6: Mentoring Considerations. You finish with a Knowledge Quiz.

    Module C - Emotion

    In Module C, you are introduced to more case studies. Then you get thematic and methodological input related to emotions. The micro learning units are: C1: Introduction and Case Studies, C2: Body-Brain Bridge 1, C3: Feelings and Emotions, C4: Body-Brain Bridge 2, C5: Emotion Regulation, C6: Acceptance, and C7: Mindfulness. You finish again with a short Knowledge Quiz.

    Module D - Cognition

    In this learning module, we expand the circle of our fictitious clients, and you learn about further case studies. Alongside, you learn about the topic of cognition. Module D includes the three learning units D1: Cognition – Terms and Concepts, D2: Cognition – Case Studies, D3: Metacognition and Cognitive Self-Regulation, and D4: Mindset. And it ends with another Knowledge Quiz.

    Module E - Connectedness

    Module E examines how our connection to other people and our social and natural environment relates to our health, using further case studies as examples. The following topics are covered: E1: Communication, E2: MeWe Bridge, E3: Personal Relationships, and E4: Connectedness and Community. It concludes with a Knowledge Quiz about connectedness.

    Module F - Time and Meaning

    Module F introduces our last case study and shows how the concepts of Time and Meaning are linked to each other, and why they should be considered as another aspect in healthy lifestyle mentoring. The micro learnings are: F1: Introduction and Case Studies, F2: Time Perspective, Health and Well-being, F3: Meaning and Purpose, and F4: Spirituality. We finish with another Knowledge Quiz about Time and Meaning.

    Module G - Healthy Lifestyle Mentoring

    Module G introduces you to our specific Lagom Mentoring Approach. The learning units cover the three main phases of our mentoring process: Phase 1: Preparation, Phase 2: Change, and Phase 3: Evaluation.

    Module H - Next setps of the Learning Journey

    The last learning module wraps our course up by highlighting the most important learnings and giving further advice as regards your role as a Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator. Module H also gives an outlook towards the possible next step of participating our Healthy Lifestyle Mentor Course.

    After having successfully finished the course, you receive a printable certificate together with a digital learning badge, and you carry the title Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator.


    And as becoming a Lagom Facilitator is a pre-condition for participating the Lagom Mentor Course, it means that you are already well on your way to become accredited as a Certified Lagom Healthy Lifestyle Mentor.

    Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator I Certificate Course